金风送爽、硕果盈枝。8月31日,东北师范大学罗格斯大学•纽瓦克学院(后简称纽瓦克学院)隆重举行2024级学生开学典礼,欢迎115名朝气蓬勃的新同学加入纽瓦克学院大家庭,共同开启知识探索与自我成长的新篇章。 东北师范大学校长徐海阳,罗格斯大学资深副校长John Gunkel,吉林省教育厅国际合作与交流处处长高斌...
2024-09-02根据学校《关于做好我校2024年专业技术职务评聘工作的通知》工作要求,经个人申报、单位资格审查,现对申报人员材料予以公示(见附件)。 公示期为5个工作日,自2024年9月9日至9月13日。公示期间,如有异议,请以书面形式向我单位反映。反映情况时应坚持实事求是原则,并签署真实姓名和联...
2024-09-09In fall 2014, Rutgers University Newark entered into an Agreement with Northeast Normal University, one of the top ranked Chinese universities directly administered by the Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE), to establish the “Rutgers University Newark Institute at Northeast Normal University” (RUNIN) program on the campus of Northeast Normal University in Changchun China. The Agreement received formal approval in spring 2015 from the Chinese Ministry of Education and the program was officially launched on the 1st of September, 2015. This agreement was renewed in March 2024. Under the renewed Agreement, Rutgers University Newark offers two Bachelor Degree programs including Bachelor of Science Degree programs in Supply Chain Management and in Finance through Rutgers Business School (RBS). All courses required for the completion of these two degree programs are taught in English by the faculty members approved or assigned by Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Newark (FASN) and Rutgers Business School (RBS), as well as the faculty members of RUNIN. Implementing the educational philosophy of “rooted in Northeast Normal University and oriented to the world,” RUNIN adheres to the teaching quality standards of “high starting point, high requirements, and high level,” utilizing teaching resources from world-class universities, adopting internationally advanced teaching and management models, creating a superior bilingual learning environment and integration of Chinese and foreign cultures, aiming to cultivate international professionals who can serve China’s modernization construction, possess an international vision, understand international rules and participate in international affairs and competition with the qualities of “HOPE-Honesty, Optimism, Perspicacity and Erudition.” Currently, the Institute offers programs in Supply Chain Management and Finance which are two top-ranked majors of Rutgers University.
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